Who is Lucas Smykovsky? The CEO at Car Ad Masters an automotive advertising consultant. The Untold story!
Hi, I'm Lucas and this is my beautiful hometown ❤️ >>> https://bit.ly/3eG5pw3
Chojnow, Lower Silesia, Wroclow Area, Poland
The building on the right-hand side is my family house - a beautiful red brick building with a spike on the roof about 150 years old - I love this building!
Those who don't know me yet. I'm polish and I was raised in 20k people town Chojnow in Poland. I came to Ireland, Galway City, in 2006 straight after college with one travel bag and 400 euros in my pocket but full of dreams with the English language on a 4/10 level. I found a job as an electrician helper the same day I came but lost after 6 weeks, living that first 6 weeks on the couch in the living room for 100 euros.
When I lost my first job, I was jobless for 3 weeks, but I never gave up and printed 100 CVs and started searching for a new job. Finally, I get it in Dunnes Terryland Galway as a night-pack person. Making my first friends in Ireland (Great memories of me at 22 years old).
After 9 months, I couldn't keep working nights, so I applied to the medical company, Abbott Galway. I've been there for 11 months, and the company was shut down. I got jobless again at the beginning of the great crisis in 2008 at age 24. Luckily I got a job at Thermo King Galway, but they were leaving people once a year for a couple of months to keep them on temporary contracts, so I was without a job again, this time for another 4 months during the biggest 30% unemployment in Galway (highest in whole Ireland)!
It was time to move towns. So I landed in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary in Abbott company again where I stuck for over 10 years doing the boring job every day but with a "secure life" with my girlfriend, getting married in 2009 to my lovely wife, Kasia!
But somewhere deep inside of me, I had that desire to be an entrepreneur, but I was too busy with making friends, weekends parting like most of us in our 20s. As a side hustle, I was using my drawing talent and doing tattoos but never switched to a full-time business.
In 2017 my son got born, and that was my ended up with tattooing as it was impossible with a small baby in the house. But my desire to be more than a factory worker, I started searching for information on how to do a business, and I found my first mentor on YouTube, a successful polish entrepreneur and millionaire, Kristof Krol. After watching his free videos on YT, I purchased his course called Academy of Business, where I finally learned how to start a business and how to run it. After my first online lessons, I founded my first business, a drop shipping online clothing store. I ran it for 12 months and didn't do any money but learned a lot about business and online stuff like websites, social media, etc.

During the 12 months of my first business, finally, I funded out that you can't be successful in business with only organic posting on social media. In Kristof's course, there was a part called Academy of Millionaires where I found Kristof's interview with one of the top polish marketers Pawel Danielewski who was running campaigns for the world's top entrepreneurs and mentors like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Nick Vujicic and Kristof Krol himself. So now I knew I needed paid social media advertising, so I went to Pawel's free webinar, where I won a package of his online courses worth 20k and got paid only 1k as a winner.
This was a time when I immersed myself in social media adverting, mainly FB, IG, and YT. Then I fell in love with marketing as I was able to use my talent and creativity.
After studying marketing for a couple of months, I heard that one of my friends split out with his business partner and founded his own dealership with 10-15 5k-10k cars in the lot selling 0-5 cars a month, so I visited him in Oct'19 offering him marketing services, but he was very sceptic. But I didn't give up on him, and I was pitching him for another 2 months when finally, after a very quiet November, he decided to give it a try for 3 months.
At the beginning of Dec'19, I started advertising for my friend's dealership. We had some leads, but it was missing something, and it was my knowledge in the automotive business. So I started searching for information about how to do advertising for car dealerships, and I found one of the top automotive advertisers in the US market, Alex, a Ukrainian immigrant who has been living in Us nearly 10 years. I contacted him and paid him a couple of thousand dollars to teach me how to advertise for car dealers. Straight away, I started using new knowledge in advertising for my friend, and boom!!! in the first 3 months of 2020, he told me that he sold more cars than in the whole year of 2019. Funny story he told me that he had to get his wife to help prepare cars for customers because they were working 9 am-9pm lol.
Today with Alex, we are great friends and can count on each other. It’s a very sad story that his homeland was invaded by Russia, but I believe that Ukraine will be victorious in this war!
After 5 months, in April'20, during the pandemic started, my friend increased his inventory to 40 cars. But this period, all dealers were shutting down, so my friend said that he needed to shut down for a while and stop adverting. I said to him don't do this! Do the opposite to other dealers and start selling online and by appointment! He took my advice, and we kept advertising and selling cars like hot rolls during a pandemic. He was selling so well that other local dealers were amazed and didn't know what was going on. During the first half of 2020, I get two more clients. One of them had a big sales drop from 60-70 cars a month to 30 cars a month. So I helped him to get back to 50 cars in the first month.
Another client has high spec and performance cars and had some problems with FB clocking his website. So I developed his new website and got sorted out issues with Facebook.
During the first months of 2020, my new mentor started developing this new artificial advertising tool for automotive adverting, so I learned from him how to use it, and I implemented it for my clients, which helped me to fully sort out and automate getting high quality vin specific capture leads. If you’d like to know more about this AI automotive adverting, you can learn more here: https://bit.ly/3bqN2dn
So by the end of 2020, my friend had 60 cars and a 5X increase in turnover compared to 2019 and during the first year of the pandemic!!! He also hired his first 2 employees.
Today my friend has a team of 5 people and 80 cars in stock with 12X turnover in 2021-2022 compared to 2019, and we’ve been working together for nearly 3 years.
Last 2 and half years, I focused on learning more about business, marketing, and selling. And in the second half of 2021, I found another great and one of the top automotive advertisers, Sean, who has been in the automotive advertising business for 17 years and has worked out with nearly 2000 dealerships, small and big, independent and franchise. Sean is currently working with 300 hundred clients across US and Canada. During these nearly two decades, Sean has developed a great framework that is helping his clients to skyrocket their sales. If you know a guy from LA called King Of Cars who grew his car sales from 100 cars a month to 1000 cars a month, and local TV did a TV show about his great sale. And Sean is the guy who helped him to become best selling dealer in LA implementing his adverting framework. Other dealers in his local market started imitating King Of Cars, but they didn't know Sean’s secret sauce, which helped his client sell 1000 cars a month. Today I’m implementing the same framework in my own and my clients' businesses.
And if you have never heard about King Of Cars, just search on Youtube, and you’ll understand how he became a celebrity in the automotive business.
Sean charged me big money to learn from him, but I don’t regret any cent I spent with him as what I learned from him about automotive business and automotive advertising, as it saved me 10 years of learning this all myself! Sean is my mentor, and I have constant contact with him, and I can get his advice whenever I need it.
So now I can help dealers in Ireland and UK using not only my own nearly 3 years of automotive advertising experience but also Alex’s 5 years of experience of working with nearly 200 independent and franchise dealers as also Sean’s experience of 17 years of advertising for 2000 car dealers!
Why did I decide to be the best automotive advertiser here in Ireland and the UK and then in the world?
Because I believe that cars are something more than just pieces of metal helping them move front point A to B. I believe that cars are an extension of their lives.
Cars help them earn money, bring their kids to school and themselves to work, provide for people’s families by helping get their groceries, and make them happy when they can drive their dream cars after 8 hours of work so that they can fill themself like millionaires enjoying their rides.
And for me, car dealers are people's heroes as they help turn people’s desire to drive their dream cars into experiences!
And myself as a great car enthusiast, I can connect my two passions, excellent marketing content creation, by using my artistic talents and a love of cars.
So now it’s time to expand using all my and my mentors' knowledge and their nearly 2.5k clients' experience, and my goal is to help 10,000 dealers across Ireland and the UK to grow their businesses by helping them in a great transition to a new online sale world as many of them is struggling and living money because of lack of knowledge in social media advertising.
But in the last nearly 3 years, I missed another piece of puzzle to becoming a successful entrepreneur. I figured out that a business can’t be successful without sales skills. And I also found out that a lot of car dealers are missing good skills in sales too! Both retail and independent. You might say what you’re talking about. I’m selling cars for 5-10-20 years, and I know what I’m doing. Yes, that truth but 90% of car dealers rely on the experience of the pre-online new sales era!
What does that mean for you, your dealership, and even my business and any business today?
That means that starting using today even best online advertising tools, tactics, and marketing plans, you won’t be successful without learning new ways of online sales. And that can cause you to run out of business very quickly!
So how can you and I can survive the new reality and post-pandemic and war chaos?
Embrace new online advertising and AI tools available for the automotive industry, start learning new ways of selling cars and get your sales team good courses from selling.
I learn from my new mentor Mr 10X Grant Cardone, one of the world's top percent former car salesman. Today, Grant is the top sales teacher in the world, a successful entrepreneur, and a billionaire with a net worth of 6 billion dollars. You can get his books, courses, and automotive sales-specific courses on his Grant Cardone university or on his online shop, or even you can get his team to teach your salesman individually. His books like ‘Sell Or Be Sold,’ ‘10X Rule’, ‘Closer's Survival Guide: Over 100 Ways to Ink the Deal’ are New Your Times bestsellers.
I highly recommend Grant Cardone to learn from him but also like from Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker, or Zig Ziglar.
So if you’re looking to dominate your local market, contact me, and I will provide you with marketing tools and strategies that will help you grow your business expandable. But remember you need to do some work yourself to get maximum advantage of automotive online adverting and AI tools, mainly by increasing your online sales skills. By I can also guide you and your team here.
Yes, that was my story. Now you know me, and I'd love to know you so we can be successful together. So do not hesitate to reach me if you need help with sorting out your online advertising and if you want to increase your sales skills. I’m here to help you!
Talk soon.
Lucas Smykovsky